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    学校价格:¥420000 网上优惠价: 关注度:1302人
    总课时:2年 开班日期:常年 上课时段:  

      Peking University HSBC School of Business was first established in 2004. It grew out of Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School of Business,an institute boasting an integration of teaching, research and community service. Utilizing a unique environment of innovation and bringing the R&D advantage of Peking University into full play, we are committed to fostering the advanced economic research and administration talents with solid theoretical foundation and strong practical ability for the decision-making departments, research agencies and financial institutions of the government as well as the enterprises of all kinds.


      Peking University HSBC School of Business,which is sponsored by Hong Kong and Shanghai Business Center, was launched officially on October 22, 2008. It is a successful model of the cooperation between a first-class university of China and a top financial organization of the world. Processor Hai Wen, a famous economist and the vice president of Peking University, acts as president of Peking University HSBC School of Business. Since its setup, the school has focused on training high-end financial human resources that meet the needs for economic globalization according to the first-class standards of the world. In 2008, more than 90% of the first class of graduates of the school entered famous domestic and international financial organizations, demonstrating the extraordinary training strength of the school. On January 6, 2010, the foundation stone laying ceremony has been held. This historical moment signify that Peking University HSBC School of Business accelerates its step to become a first class business school in the world. With the foresight and untiring efforts, the business school in Shenzhen has shown its capacity for training high-end human resources in the financial area of China in a few years, and has become one of the business schools in mainland China that can most possibly be ranked among the first class of the world.



      进入2010年,随着经济危机浪潮逐渐减弱,全球经济正在步入恢复性增长轨道,世界主要经济体摆脱金融危机的"谷底"已一年有余,复苏势头稳定。*经济快速摆脱了下滑局面,进入巩固复苏的阶段。国内中小企业如何在此形势下,对市场机遇做出准确判断,把握自身命脉,将企业做强做大;同时,由于金融危机尚未完全消退,*经济可持续增长仍有隐忧。在把握时机,发展壮大的同时,如何避免 "大起大落",以求更好地生存与稳定地发展, 成为中小企业决策者亟待解决的课题。北京大学汇丰商学院联合全球相关行业精英,在*经济*具活力的深圳,为创业者们设计*实用的课程和解决方案,搭建一个具有国际视野的学习和交流互动平台。

      In year 2010, with the wave of economic crisis abated, Global economics is stepping into the track of recovering increase. The main economies of the world had released from the valley bottom of economic crisis for more than one year and, the momentum of recovery is stable. China economic has rapidly shake off the decline and went into the stage of consolidate and recovery. How will the national small and medium-sized enterprises grow stronger and larger by identifying the market opportunities accurately facing the situation? Mean time, there are still secret worries in the continually increasing China economic as the economic crisis has not been entirely eliminated. While seizing opportunities and making developments, how the enterprises avoid the risk of "rise or decline sharply" so as to exist and more stably develop? It is becoming a serious problem that needing urgent solutions on how to answer such massive economic crisis and, identify the opportunities and directions, so as to be well sustained and firmly developed. For this purpose, Peking University HSBC School of Business, joined by the global relevant industry elites, has designed a most practical course and solutions for the entrepreneurs, providing a study and communication platform of an international outlook.




       We devote ourselves to creating for the students


       A platform for learning the enterprise operation and the capital operation


       A platform for communication in pioneering experience and industrial information


       A platform for the industrial market and financial capital to connect


       The EMP Course is designed for the founders and decision-makers of the small and medium-sized enterprises, aimed at helping students to discover and solve the problems on the enterprise operation and capital operation when starting a business and enabling them to gain a deeper understanding of the enterprise, the wealth and the society.


       As pioneering work of international perspective customized for the entrepreneurs, the EMP Course boasts a world-leading team of teachers comprising enterprise management professionals in top business institutes, internationally renowned experts on finance and management, successful entrepreneurs and people in charge of famous financial institutions globally.


       For the EMP Course, we have built a strong team of project consultants by forming strategic alliances with famous risk agencies home and abroad, investment banks, public accounting firms and law firms so as to evaluate the strategic thought on international operation and the decisions of commanding the whole situation for the entrepreneurs and lay a solid foundation for enterprises to move towards internationalized capital market.



    Standardize management and administration

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