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学校价格:¥ 网上优惠价:¥ 关注度:793人 总课时: 开班日期:常年 上课时段: 授课学校:北京优易国际英语培训学校 上课地点:北京市朝阳区大望路SOHO现代城 【日常生活英语口语课程】
优易国际英语拥有全套的日常生活英语口语课程培训体系和完善的教学计划;拥有英语口语培训的专业师资团队;*中外教跟踪指导授课,全面提高学员的英语口语能力,目前正在开展日常生活英语口语培训课程。品 牌:优易国际英语
适合人群:英语口语学习 英语学习爱好者
授课形式:1对1 或者小班授课 建议:1对1 学习效果*
Watching TV
Blair:How are you feeling, Flora?
Flora:Much better. Thanks. I’ve been resting all day, only with the television as my companion. In fact, in the whole week, the only thing I felt like doing was watching TV。
Blair:What did you watch today?
Flora:I started with some game shows this morning. I really enjoy them and even answered most of the questions correctly。
Blair:And next?
Flora:At 2 o’clock, I switched to Channel 6, and watched a terrific movie without commercials。
Blair:I know what you mean. There was an old action movie next. I think you won’t like it。
Flora:I wanted to watch it, but I was already tired by the time it came on. I had a rest instead. Then I watched the news on Channel 11.
Blair:Anything important happened?
Flora:A bank was robbed this afternoon. A reporter on the scene covered the event. The live coverage reproduced the robbery to the life。
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