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学校价格: 网上优惠价: 关注度:798人
总课时: 开班日期:常年 上课时段:  


   品      优易国际英语
   适合人群:英语口语学习 英语学习爱好者 

1、Good morning. Anything I can do for you?早上好,能为你效劳吗?

2、Please wait a moment. Let me have a check.请稍候,我查一查

3、There is a train from here to Yangjiaping every three minutes. 从这里到杨家坪的轻轨车每隔3分钟一班

4、Enjoy your trip.祝你旅途愉快

5、Please put your luggage on the scales.请将你的行李放在秤上

6、The excess weight is 5 kg.行李超重5公斤

7、Excuse me, no smoking.对不起,这里不能吸烟

8、Passengers are strictly forbidden to carry arms or explosive on board.乘客严禁携带武器和易爆物品

9、Is there any contraband in it?边有违禁品吗?

10、May I help you with your bag?我帮你拿包吧

11、You look rather weak. Do you feel well?你看来很虚弱,不舒服吗?

12、Have a good rest and you’ll feel better.休息一会,你就会好些的

13、Here is your water. You can take the pills.这是给你的水,你可以吃药了

14、  How are you feeling now?你现在的感觉怎么样?

15、Not at all, it’s my duty.别客气,这是我的职责

16、The toilet is in the rear of the platform.卫生间在站厅后面

17、It takes about 28 minutes to drive from Jiaochangkou to Xinsanchun.从较场口到新三村要走28分钟

18、Be sure to take it with you when leaving the train.下车时请不要忘了带走你的行李

19、Are you sure your baggage is missing?你肯定你行李不见了吗

20、You can go to the Baggage Service and fill out a claim form.你可以到行李服务处,填写认领单

21、Open your luggage, please.请打开你的行李好吗?

22、Thank you. Here your ticket. Hope you’ll have a good journey.谢谢,这是你的票,祝你一路顺风

23、Yes, this is the right train.没错,是这趟车

24、Now please step to the middle and don’t block the door.现在请往中间走走,不要堵在车门

25、Two more stops, and you’ll get off.还有两站地,你就要下车了

26、You have to get off at Yangjiaping.你得在杨家坪下车

27、You’ll get there in about 20 minutes.大约20分钟您就可以到了

28、Drop 2 yuan in the machine.请在机器里投放2元钱

29、Don’t worry, I’ll let you know when it comes to  the stop.别担心,到站时我提醒你

30、We’ll be at the Daping in a minutes, please be ready to get off the train.大坪就要到了,请你准备下车

31、The trains leave every 3 minutes.轻轨车每隔3分钟一趟

32、Get off at the next stop and take No.22 bus.下站下车,乘22路公交车

33、Stand back from the door, please.请别站在车门口

34、Get off first, then get on.先下后上

35、You can’t get on until the other passengers get off.他们下不了车,你们就上不来

36、You’ve got on the wrong train.你坐错车了

37、You’ll have to get off now. We’re at your destination.你现在该下车了,你到站了

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