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学校价格:¥ 网上优惠价:¥ 关注度:760人 总课时: 开班日期:常年 上课时段: 授课学校:北京优易国际英语培训学校 上课地点:北京市朝阳区大望路SOHO现代城 【商务英语口语课程】
品 牌:优易国际英语
A: Our toner cartridges are already out of ink...Could you make an order for a new set?
B: We will need new cartridges for all of the office printers? That will be a large order, probably about two or three cases. The office supply store we usually go through might not have that many in stock.
A: You can double check with the housekeeping department, but I am pretty sure all of the machines will need new cartridges. Last time when we made our order to the supplier, the quantity was also especially high. They are used to receiving such bulk orders from us . As long as we give them a heads up a couple days in advance, they
can usually fill the order.
B: OK, I will make a few calls and run our order by housekeeping first to make sure. Is there anything else we need to order while I am at it?
A: I think the only thing is toner. Try to see if they can deliver it before the end of business day tomorrow. We should really try to do better about waiting until the last minute to fill orders that are usually made on a monthly basis. Anyhow, see what you can do to expedite the order this time.
B: OK, will do.
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