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学校价格:¥ 网上优惠价:¥ 关注度:763人 总课时: 开班日期:常年 上课时段: 授课学校:北京优易国际英语培训学校 上课地点:北京市朝阳区大望路SOHO现代城 【高级商务英语口语课程】
品 牌:优易国际英语
Lesson Nine
Interview Englsih
Part I Objectives
² The ABCs of Job Interviews In North America
² Common questions guidelines to proper answers
² “Tell me something about your self” – The tone-setting question
² Nonverbal Pitfalls to Watch For
Part II The How-Tos
The ABCs of Job Interviews In North America
The one-on-one format is the most familiar and common format in job interviewing. It's about two people sitting down to have a conversation. In this case, the conversation has a particular purpose: To determine whether there is a natural fit between the interviewer, the applicant and the job available. Both parties will leave this conversation with some kind of a judgment. The interviewer will know whether you can fulfill the responsibilities of the position, and you will know whether or not this is the right position, and company, for you to utilize and expand upon your talents.
The interview begins the second you and the interviewer initially meet -- this is the crucial nonverbal judgment. The interviewer is sizing you up: Are you dressed appropriately? Are you well-groomed and pleasant? Next, is the handshake -- do you offer a limp-fish handshake or is it firm and comfortable? A lot of close scrutiny takes place in those initial moments, and the interviewer can get a good idea as to how well the interview will or will not go based on his or her first impressions of you. After a bit of chitchat or warm-up, the questions begin.
The conversation will usually begin with the same request: "Tell me about yourself." The information you reveal as an answer to this question and throughout the interview allows the interviewer to get a clear picture of you, and certain pictures or patterns will begin to emerge. Each time a new subject is mentioned, the interviewer may want to dig a little further, and the picture becomes more focused.
Behavioral questions such as, "Tell me about your experience with...," give the interviewer clues about your past experiences that can be applied to solving the problems of the job in question. You must be prepared to talk about your achievements and past behaviors and have examples of the experiences you mention. For example, if you say, "I am very detail-oriented," or "I am an analytical problem-solver," there must be examples to back the claims. Show the interviewer that you are detail-oriented by providing him with an example of when your attention to detail positively affected your work. You should create a list of your accomplishments and experiences that validate these claims prior to interviewing.
If you don't immediately offer this information, the interviewer can probe further. As an example, you might say, "I have excellent written communication skills." The interviewer can now follow up on this subject by asking, "What type of writing have you done?" Or, "Tell me about a project you have worked on involving written communication skills." If you aren't able to come up with good examples, or success stories, there might be a credibility problem. Saying you can do something and actually giving an example of when you have done it are two different things.
Interviewers are attempting to get a picture of your abilities to perform in the position that is available. They are also looking to see how you would fit in with the corporate culture. Sometimes there will be a succession of one-on-one interviews within the same company. The process may begin with the human resources department, then move on to an interview with a prospective boss, or hiring manager. It may then continue down the line to other members of a department, and can sometimes include a CEO.
In each one-on-one conversation, you must be able to present good examples and tell about past successes. When this is done, you can leave the interview knowing that you have communicated a picture that is positive and accurate, no matter how many conversations it takes.
Part III Let’s Talk Business
Common Job Interview Questions
By rehearsing interview questions, you'll become more familiar with your own qualifications and will be well prepared to demonstrate how you can benefit an employer. Some examples:
"Tell me about yourself."
Make a short, organized statement of your education and professional achievements and professional goals. Then, briefly describe your qualifications for the job and the contributions you could make to the organization. -
"Why do you want to work here?" or "What about our company interests you?"
Few questions are more important than these, so it is important to answer them clearly and with enthusiasm. Show the interviewer your interest in the company. Share what you learned about the job, the company and the industry through your own research. Talk about how your professional skills will benefit the company. Unless you work in sales, your answer should never be simply: "money." The interviewer will wonder if you really care about the job. -
"Why did you leave your last job?"
The interviewer may want to know if you had any problems on your last job. If you did not have any problems, simply give a reason, such as: relocated away from job; company went out of business; laid off; temporary job; no possibility of advancement; wanted a job better suited to your skills.
If you did have problems, be honest. Show that you can accept responsibility and learn from your mistakes. You should explain any problems you had (or still have) with an employer, but don't describe that employer in negative terms. Demonstrate that it was a learning experience that will not affect your future work. -
"What are your best skills?"
If you have sufficiently researched the organization, you should be able to imagine what skills the company values. List them, then give examples w
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"Tell me about yourself."
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