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学校价格: 网上优惠价: 关注度:815人
总课时: 开班日期:常年 上课时段:  
   品      优易国际英语
   授课形式:一对一 或者小班授课  建议:1对1学习效果*
Q: What do you think about rules?It’s very important to have rules. In Chinese idiom, No squar

 Q: What do you think about rules?

It’s very important to have rules. In Chinese idiom, No square and circle without rules. Rules give the boundary to control you and also protect you. For example, you should go to school on time. If you don’t, you will miss some class and disturb your classmates. These rules also protect you from being disturbed by others.
Q: If there are no rules what should we do?
If there are no rules, I’m quite sure that we will make some rules. When we play some game with classmates or friends, we usually need to get agreement on certain rules first. If we don’t do that early, we will have trouble later. We may argue or make somebody very unhappy. If we want to continue, we have to figure out some rules that all of us agree and follow.
QWhat do you think about the rules in your class?
Q: Do you have any class rules?
There are lots of rules in my class. You have to go to school on time. You have to follow what the teacher says in the class and shouldn’t talk before you get the permission to talk. I think it’s very good to have rules to keep the discipline.
QSome primary school students have a mobile phone at school. What's your opinion on it?
A mobile phone is the modern communication tool for everybody. I’m not surprised to see that some students hold a mobile phone. I have a mobile phone, but I only use it when I need it. When I go to a camp, I can talk with my parents although I don’t like it they always ask me what I have done.
Q: Do you know some traffic rules? How to obey these rules?
Yes. You can go at a green traffic light and stop at a red light. If you need to walk across the street, you need to follow the zebra crossing. I know some traffic signs from class, like no parking, speed limit, etc. You have to obey these rules. These rules protect you.
Q: What rules do you need to obey when you're in a car?
When you get into the car, you need to wear the safety belt. You should not stick your head and hands out of the window. Do not distract the driver. Keep the door closed. I also need to take the back seat because it’s safer for a child.
Q: What do you think about the safety belt?
My mother always asks me to wear the safety belt when I’m in the car. I think it’s because if some accident happens, the safety belt can save your life. It’s a very good habit to wear the safety belt whenever you are in the car.
Q: Do you know any school rules?
Yes. We should go to school on time. We must wear the school suit on Monday and Thursday. It’s not allowed to run in the hall. No fighting. Be polite to teachers and students. I think it’s very good to have rules to keep the discipline.
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