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Computer Game网络游戏
学校价格:¥ 网上优惠价:¥ 关注度:914人 总课时: 开班日期:常年 上课时段: 授课学校:北京优易国际英语培训学校 上课地点:北京市朝阳区大望路SOHO现代城 【三一口语课程】
品 牌:优易国际英语
上课地点:大望路校区、北苑校区、上门授课、第三方地点授课形式:一对一 或者小班授课 建议:1对1学习效果*
1. Playing computer games is very popular2. Our favorite computer games3. The advantages of playing1. Playing computer games is very popular
2. Our favorite computer games
3. The advantages of playing computer games
4. The disadvantages of playing computer games
5. You have to plan your time when to play computer games
6. I’m going to design computer games when I grow upPlaying computer games is very popular in my school. Many students play computer games. Most of them are boys. We not only play games, but talk about games all the time. We play real games based on computer games. We also set up a club named after a computer game. We even sing songs from the computer game. We have a computer class at school. If we finish the exercise on the computer earlier, we can play computer games. So we always do the exercise very quickly to get some time to play. I was not playing computer games, and didn’t understand what they were talking about. So I think more and more kids are going to play computer games.Our favorite games are fighting games and social games. The hottest fighting game is called “plants vs. zombies”. In this game, plants need to defend the house and fight with zombies. If the plants fail, a zombie will eat the brain of the one who owns the house. There are several levels and modes in the game. Plants have to fight with zombies on the lawn, backyard and roof. You may ask what the most important plant is. This is the sun flower. The sun flower can’t fight, but it gives solar power to the entire infantry to fight.The most popular social game is called “mole”. If you want to play, you must register first and get an ID. You are going to make friends in the game. You are going to do some work to get money. When you get this money, you can for example buy furniture. You need money to raise some pets or decorate your house. You need to play more games to earn more money.Some parents said that kids were spending too much time on it. I don’t agree. In my point of view, playing computer games has several advantages. It makes you happy, practices your hands and fingers and gives you confidence. You also get challenged to go to the next level and it also gives a way to make friends on line and off line. last Sunday, ,I was talking about computer games in the elevator. A boy told me he was playing the same game. I get a lot of friends this way.If you play the computer game too much, there are lots of disadvantages. You sit there for too long. It not only hurts your eyes, but hurts your body as well. If you can’t control yourself, you may play games all the time and you don’t have time to do your homework, play outside, and read books.When I started to play computer games, I didn’t realize that it could hurt my eyes. But when I checked my eyes, I found I couldn’t see things clearly. So I stopped playing computer games without a time limit. It wasn’t easy to control myself when I was playing a hot game. However, I did it. I plan to play a computer game for 15 minutes every Saturday and Sunday. When the time is over, I stop playing.I’m going to be a computer game designer when I grow up. I’d like to design fighting games. Like a game with electronic devices vs. water. In the game, you need to collect light bulbs, so you can buy some electronic devices to fight with water. The game has different levels from 1 to 10. In level 10, there are some clouds with rain. So it’s very hard for the electronic devices to fight against them. After 3 rain showers, the water will start to walk to the electronic devices. You can buy a screen wall to stop the water for a few minutes. If you use a tall screen wall, the water will be stopped longer. The cheapest electronic device is a computer mouse bomb. It only costs one light bulb. It can explode and the water will disappear. I’m going to learn computer languages. So, in the future, I can be a computer game designer编号 班级名称 开班日期 教学点 网上优惠价 网上支付
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