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学校价格:¥ 网上优惠价:¥ 关注度:666人 总课时: 开班日期:常年 上课时段: 授课学校:北京优易国际英语培训学校 上课地点:北京市朝阳区大望路SOHO现代城 【日常生活英语口语课程】
A:Well, Peter, you have to do better than that next time, won’t you?
品 牌:优易国际英语
适合人群:英语口语学习 英语学习爱好者
B:Have I really got to do those exams again, Dad?
A:Of course, you have. You must try harder this time.
B:And must I go back to school?
A:No, you needn’t do that. You’d better get a part-time job somewhere and go to evening classes.
B:But Dad, I should be working full-time at my age. I’m nearly 17.
A:You ought to have worked harder then you wouldn’t have failed your exams. You have to take a job and study.
B:What else I’ve got to do? Join the army?
A:Who knows! That might come to later.编号 班级名称 开班日期 教学点 网上优惠价 网上支付
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