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学校价格:¥ 网上优惠价:¥ 关注度:716人 总课时: 开班日期:常年 上课时段: 授课学校:北京优易国际英语培训学校 上课地点:北京市朝阳区大望路SOHO现代城 【高级商务英语口语课程】
品 牌:优易国际英语
Lesson Eight
Business News Reading
Part I Objectives
² Features and styles of writing in Western business journalism
² Idiomatic usages and set phrases often used to describe and predicting economic development
² What is it in an earning report?
Part II The How-Tos
Features of Western Business News Writing (西方商业新闻写作特点)
One of the most important features of Western business news writing is the usage of simple and lively English. Since of most these writings cover not stories but trends of the market or development of policies, it is essential to make the writing right to the point and accessible to reader of various education levels.Therefore, conciseness and clarity are the keys (语言简练通俗):
² “ The company expects to incur a loss, excluding special items, of between (11) cents and (14) cents per share in the first quarter.”
² “Capital Spending by industry just pokes along. Ditto residential building.”
² The collapse of copper price has come just as demand for it from the industrialized world has dropped 8% on last year and as production, after two years of high prices, is starting to increase.
Much information has been covered, yet using only one sentence.
A long and boring day at work tires your eyes and mind. Wouldn’t it be even worse if you have to read on to some drab writings in news? So don't be surprised to see such lively expressions (用词生动形象):
² “Italy is one country where it is really good-bye to the boom, at least until the chronic weakness in the balance of payments is cured, and the 17%inflation is reduced.”
意大利是一个真正与经济繁荣告别了的国家,至少在国际收支方面的长期困境得以改善, 以及每年17%的通货膨胀有所一直之前,情况难以好转。
² “When it came to a perennial Clinton bugaboo-personnel-things began on a promising note. Prodded by the White House, Seven Cabinet Chiefs announced their departures soon after Nov.5. The shakeup gave Clinton a chance to revitalize his weary team. So have any of those jobs been filled? Nope.”
The usage of ellipsises makes eye-catching titles and subtitles: (巧用省略)
² “Who is afraid of global markets? Not U.S. investors.”
² “Time for a reality check in Asia. Time for a fire brigade.”
² “Hubris? Perhaps. But Dobson isn’t the only putting up his chest these days.”
The frequent use of quotes, parentheses and hyperbaton: (引语,插入语及倒装)
² “I am afraid the US banks are going to have to get used to seeing Doutsche Morgan Grenfell more often, “ says Chief Executive Michael W.R. Dobson.
总裁Dobson说:“恐怕美国银行将不得不习惯于经常与Doutsche Morgan Grenfell打交道了。”
² “Any international company that’s not planning to do something in China is probably missing a bet”, says J. Tracy O’ Rourke, CEO of Varian Associates Inc., a California manufacturer of medical equipment. “it’s like the frontier of days past.”
Part III Let’s Talk Business
Following is an earning forecast of Motorola’s 1st quarter, 2002 and some analysis of what such new press really means to investors.
Motorola's First Quarter and Full Year Earnings Outlook
SCHAUMBURG, Ill., Jan. 23 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT) said today it expects sales in the first quarter of 2002 to be between $6.0 billion and $6.2 billion. The company expects to incur a loss, excluding special items, of between (11) cents and (14) cents per share in the first quarter.
The company continues to expect sales from ongoing operations for the full-year 2002 to decline between 5 percent and 10 percent compared to 2001. The company confirmed that it continues to expect to return to profitability in the third quarter of 2002 and be profitable for the full year 2002.
Motorola also said that it believes the current 2002 consensus earnings expectation of 4 cents per share for the full year, excluding special items, is not only achievable, but can be exceeded. The company believes that, if annual sales are near the high end of the company's guidance range and the wireless handset and semiconductor industries meet growth expectations, it is possible for the company to earn 15 cents per share in 2002, excluding special items, as the company previously discussed. The gross margin improvements anticipated in these two businesses if their industries meet growth expectations, coupled with the expected savings from cost reductions, would make this level of earnings possible.
Business Risks:
Statements about the company's sales编号 班级名称 开班日期 教学点 网上优惠价 网上支付
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