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学校价格: 网上优惠价: 关注度:786人
总课时: 开班日期:常年 上课时段:  


   品      优易国际英语

Lesson One
Formal Verbal Communication in Business I
正式商业交流 (1)– 研讨会

Part I Objectives
? Procedures of Seminars Leading and Commonly Used Sentence Structures
? Questioning Techniques
? A Leader and A Good Listener, At the Same Time
? Giving Criticism

Part II The How-Tos
Leading Seminars/ Questioning Techniques
? General procedures of a seminar/lecture
1) Self-introduction
2) Introduction of Topic
3) Describing sequences and timing
4) Highlighting information
5) Involving the audience
6) Giving instructions
7) Checking understanding
8) Asking questions
9) Clarifying questions
10) Evading questions
11) Inviting comments
12) Interrupting
13) Transitions
14) Reformulations
15) Closing
? Language Reference
Self-introduction  自我介绍
Good morning, I'm ---- and I've been invited to give this talk/ presentation / lecture because---
I have done research in / I have a special interest in / my experience is in
Introduction of Topic  话题介绍
In my presentation/talk/lecture today I shall be dealing with---
The subject of my ---- today is ----
What I'd like to do today is introduce/suggest/ analyse/ describe / explain
My topic/subject today is ---
I shall be dealing with 2/3/4…. main areas/topics/subjects today
Describing Sequences and Timing  程序介绍与时间安排
First I want to /spend a few minutes outlining ---/remind you of the background to/summarise the ----/explain---/ present---
Next I shall---/after that I will take the opportunity of describing---/ 
Then we'll look at---
Finally I want to---
Highlighting Information  重点介绍
(Rhetorical questions)
So, what does that mean?/How can we interpret this?/What's the explanation for this?/What are the implications of these findings?
(Change of focus)
What that tells us is/What I'm suggesting is/What is clear is that
(Introducing auxiliary verb)
So clearly we do need to--/Obviously they did understand that---/ Of course you do wan to know why---
Involving the Audience   听者的参与
Let's have a show of hands, how many of you agree with ----
I'm sure we all know what it's like to---
Let me ask you spend a couple of seconds thinking about---
Well, what would you do, I wonder---
Just look around the room and take a note of /how many men are wearing a tie---/how many people are wearing jeans---/the average age of the participants
Giving Instructions  给予指示
For this exercise, we are going to work in pairs: groups of 3/4/5
Make a note of these words/figures
Read the paragraph on page ---
Please note that I shall be timing the exercise and you have exactly 7 minutes
Now complete the questionnaire and put your name in the top left-hand corner
Checking Understanding   随时观察听者反映
Is everyone with me so far?
Are there any questions at this stage?
Would anyone like me to run through that again?
If you have any problems with the detail, don't worry because all the information is in your handout
Asking Questions   询问问题
Direct questions/open-ended:
Closed questions :
Do you/did you
Delicate questions:
I was wondering if/ could I ask you/ would you mind telling me/if it's not indiscreet I'd like to know/might I ask/may I ask
Clarifying Questions   澄清问题
So you want to know about---/is it the figures that worry you/ when you say---do you mean---/If I've understood the question you want to know about---
Evading Questions   回避问题
That's not really my field---/ that's a bit outside the scope of today's topic/ I haven't got the precise information with me today/ that's not really for me to say/I'd need notice of that question to answer you in full/this is not really the place to discuss that matter/ perhaps that's a question for another meeting
Inviting Comments   鼓励并听取意见
Has anyone got any questions at this point?
Would anyone like to comment on that?
Does anyone disagree with my last point?
Can anyone confirm my experience?
If nobody has any questions then I'll move on
 Interrupting  中断
I'd like to discuss it further, but I think it's time to move on
Could I just stop you there---
If I might just add----
I'm sure we'd all agree, but perhaps we should get back to the main point
Transitions   过渡
If we could now turn to---/my next point is---/ what I want to do next is ---/ let's move on to---/that completes my analysis of---/so, now we are going to----
 Reformulations   总结
If I might just go over that again---/so, in summary---/ just to remind you of the key facts/the main points/ the advantages of---/my main arguments were---
Closing   结束
Thank you for listening to me today
I hope you have found my presentation useful
Thank you for your attention

? Questioning Techniques   提问技巧
Reasons for asking questions:
To obtain information
To find out the opinions of other people
To ask other people to contribute ideas
To find out the reasons behind events
To seek confirmation
The status of the questioner
The questioner may have an official need to ask questions - work-role, legal power, etc., or the questioner may have an entirely personal curiosity

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*学员姓名: *手机号码:
备注: 温馨提示:提交报名后我们有老师和你联系 <---->
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