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Iris拥有英语本科学位,多次参加雅思、新托福考试,并取得优异成绩。2004年开始在国内某知名语言培训机构开始其教学生涯,期间逐步建立和完善教学风格,获得所教授学生的众多好评。至今已经有着超过8年的出国语言考试教学经验,成功帮助近800名学生取得理想的英语成绩。2009年Iris加入快速发展的智赢国际英语任雅思、新托福阅读、写作主讲教师。同时担纲海外生存英语,海外学术英语和美国面签等课程主讲。2010年度获得新世界教育*教师*高奖“天下桃李”奖。Iris老师能够有效调动学员学习英语的兴趣与积极性,有针对性地为学员设计课程,在上课过程中尽可能为学员营造英语氛围,因此学员在快速提高阅读、写作的能力同时,口语听力也会取得相应提升提升。扎实的语言功底,耐心,负责的工作态度深受学员喜欢。Iris holds a Bachelor's degree in English. She has taken IELTS and TOFEL tests many times and achieved outstanding results. In 2004, she started her teaching in a respected English Training Institute, where she began to gradually establish and improve her teaching style, praised and admired by a great many students. So far, she has had more than 8-year teaching experience in foreign language tests and has helped around 800 students successfully achieve their goals in English study.In 2009, she joined fast-growing Smartwin International English as a lead teacher of IELTS&TOFEL reading and writing. She has also developed expertise in teaching survival English, academic English, and English for U.S visa interview. Due to a wide range of professional experience, she earned "Remarkable Teaching Award" in 2010.She's able to tailor-make classes and motivate students to study English with great interest and enthusiasm. She tends to create an English immersion environment, which enables students to make great progress both in reading&writing and listening&speaking. She's a well-liked teacher with her strong background in English instruction, great patience and responsibility. -
念本科时,多样的英语专业课程使她感受到了英语语言的独特魅力。这份魅力促使她留学英国去深入挖掘它与文化的牵绊,也正是这份魅力引导她选择了爱丁堡大学的英语教育硕士课程。因为她想激发*学生对英语的兴趣,让他们也爱上到这门语言。回国后她加入了智赢这个团队,致力于雅思教学实践并较有成效,她希望她的课能发掘学生的潜能,启发学生自己解决问题,使他们富有创造性地在轻松愉快的氛围中参与英语活动。As an IELTS teacher, Danna would like to help students to discover their talent and establish a positive attitude through the joy of learning.The intensive undergraduate study, together with the challenging master study in the University of Edinburgh, has enabled her to build up a strong background in English education based on solid fundamental principals.She joined in Smartwin International English Center in 2009 after she came back to China. Her experience of English learning made her deeply understand the significance of a teacher’s role in guiding one’s study. A good teacher can help students to develop their potential ability, which will produce energy and encourage the rule of 1+1>2. In her classes, she is not to tell you why choose certain answer but to guide you to find the way of solving such group of questions. -
目前执教雅思和托福听力,对听力场景、话题和题型、解题思路有着深刻理解和精准把握,并开发出了一套循序渐进,行之有效的教学方案。教学过程中,她能准确把握学员的学习问题,并制定方案帮助其攻克弱项。她所提倡的鼓励式和循序渐进式教学理念,给学生以源源不断的学习动力和热情。人生格言:我们无法改变生命的长度,但可以改变生命的广度和深度。Graduated from 211 key university, Cici majored in English and obtained "Good Level" in TEM 8. Also, she's a holder of Shanghai Advanced Interpretation Certificate. Quick-witted and knowledgeable, she has repeatedly won the Best Debater of “FLY Cup”English Debating Competition in university.Cici scored 7.5 in IELTS test and 895 in TOIEC, with full mark in both listening modules. Currently, in charge of the IELTS and TOEFL listening, she demonstrates an in-depth understanding of scenarios and topics in listening part. Equally noticeably is her skills in question analyzing and problem solving, which was naturally developed into a progressive but effective teaching method. In teaching practice, she can accurately spot the students' learning problems, timely draft learning schemes to overcome relevant weaknesses. The idea of combining encouragement and collaborative learning has been fully applied by Cici, as a consequence of which, it taps into the intrinsic passion of learning within students.Life motto: We can't change the length of our life, but can change its breadth and depth. -
Chelsea拥有英语专业学士学位,有着非常扎实的英语学术功底,在雅思和新托福考试中均取得不俗成绩。Chelsea在大学阶段就开始教授*生和*生英语,对于如何帮助英语基础薄弱的学生提升英语能力有着丰富的教学经验。毕业后,Chelsea展示了在英语阅读和写作上的才华,独立完成了大量海外学术文献的翻译工作,积累了强大的阅读、写作学术底蕴。之后她从业于国内一家著名的英语培训机构,开始潜心研究海外出国语言考试阅读、写作项目的教学,并开始逐步形成和完善个人教学风格。Chelsea Liu, a Bachelor in English, got impressive scores in TOEFL and IELTS due to her profound knowledge in English.During university, she began teaching middle and high school aged students and developed expertise in improving students’ English ability.After graduation, she showed her talent in English reading and writing and translated numerous foreign references which laid the solid foundation for her teaching skills.Later, working in a famous English training organization in China, she delved into writing and reading parts of foreign exams and formed her distinctive teaching style. -
龚雪松(Samuel Gong)
自1997年初次踏上大学讲坛,随后罕见地以文学及法学双学士身份留校执教多年位列国内TOP10的著名学府华中科大,到15年后加盟新世界教育*智赢国际英语,教学、教研双管齐下左右开弓的*研发专家,Samuel老师完美地诠释了由大学讲师到国际英语培训精英的蜕变历程。今天,他所涉猎的听说读写各种大大小小的课程可以列下长长的一串:雅思、托福、SAT、SSAT、PTE、GMAT、TOEIC、BULATS等等。对于他自己,林林总总的各大出国留学考试只不过是个人英语真正能力的一种自然表现,正如当年新托福推出后,他全无准备即兴裸考,一蹴而就113分,距满分仅仅7分之差;而对于他所面对的每一个学员,极端的耐心、细心、责任心和高超的教学技巧相结合则意味着Aptitude + Attitude = Achievement,所以他的学员曾经仅靠总共9个小时的短短4天课程,在雅思中公认*难取得突破的一项——写作——成功实现从5.5分跨越7分的奇迹。卓越,有时只是一种习惯。 -
Chrissy老师毕业于国内知名高校英语专业,大学期间作为交换生去澳大利亚学习一年,期间深度研究英语语言教学以及学习方法论,对于如何有效提升学员英语能力有着科学和有效的方法。2006年Chrissy进入出国语言考试培训行业,在两年多的一线教学过程中,Chrissy建立了个人的教学风格并完善了个人教学方法,同时对雅思、新托福考试的持续深入研究及多次亲临考试让Chrissy在考试准备、考试技巧等方面有了独有的理解。Chrissy在2008年加入了智赢国际英语这个充满活力的团队担任教学专家至今。拥有丰富教学经验的她,在帮助众多学生取得了理想的雅思及托福考试成绩同时,*有效的教学方法和充满活力的教学方式,使她的学生能打破原有思维束缚,建立新的英语学习概念,并养成良好的英语学习习惯。Chrissy graduated from a domestic well-known university. During the study at university, as an exchange student, Chrissy went to Australia for a year and studied on English language teaching and learning methodology in depth, which familiarized her with the scientific and effective way to enhance students' English ability.2006 Chrissy entered overseas language test training industry. Within more than two years of front-line teaching process, Chrissy established personal teaching style and improved personal teaching methods. Continuing in-depth study of IELTS, TOEFL and many in-person examinations let Chrissy have a unique understanding in exam preparation, and examination techniques as well.In 2008, Chrissy joined the dynamic team in Smartwin International English Language as a teaching expert since. She has extensive teaching experience in helping many students achieve ideal IELTS and TOEFL scores. At the same time, effective teaching methods and dynamic teaching styles make her students break the original thinking bound to create a new English learning concepts, and develop good English study habits. -
李欢欢老师拥有英语语言文学学士学位,从大学二年级开始进行相关的英语方面的教学工作,李欢欢老师花费了大量的精力研究雅思和新托福考试,特别在阅读和写作两个科目上形成了独特的教学方法和考试分析能力。“没有教不好的学生,只有不努力的老师!”以此作为工作格言的李老师疯狂的热爱着英语教学工作,活泼幽默的授课方式受到所有学生的喜爱,非常乐于和学生互动和沟通,探讨问题,尝试对不同的学生采取不同的教学方法,让学生接受的更快速,更稳固,更扎实。Audrey got a Bachelor's degree majoring in English. From the sophomore stage in the university, she began English teaching in related fields. She has been spending most of her time in the study of IELTS and TOEFL tests. Now she has been an expert in reading and writing parts for her own unique teaching methods and testing analysis abilities. She loves the teaching work with wholly passion.Her humorous teaching styles wins students' great respect and admiration for her.She is willing to interact and communicate with the students, and always ready to help them. Different teaching methods will be operated for different students, which enables the students to accept more quickly and more efficiently. She believes that there are no bad learners, but only not harding working teachers! -
张家林(Aaron Zhang)
张家林老师对雅思、新托福等各项出国语言考试有着非常深入的研究,尤其在听力、口语教学领域有着无可比拟的学术理解。张家林老师对于准确定位学员英语学习问题以及设计个性化学习计划有着非常丰富的经验,同时风趣幽默、富有激情、旁征博引的授课方式,让极具个人魅力的张老师在智赢学生中获得了众多粉丝。学生们都亲切的称他为“张教主”!在张家林老师多年的一线教学经历中,培养了多名听力满分学员以及口语高分学员,*他的授课讲解,许多学生不仅提高了自己的英语水平*考试实现了出国留学的梦想,更为重要的是掌握了正确的学习方法,并开始喜欢上了英文。 -
Kelly(Xinyi Zhang)
早在*阶段,成绩优异的Kelly就有帮助众多来自亚洲的学生提高托福和SAT考试经验,美籍华人的家庭背景也让Kelly老师对*、美国文化都有着深刻的理解,并据此总结了一整套对亚洲学生特别是*学生行之有效的学习方法。Kelly老师在2007年在美国成立了Kelly’s Review Institute, 为打算去美国接受高等教育的学生和成人提供优质考试*和录取咨询服务。2009年,Kelly老师受智赢首席运营官David老师邀请回到*并加入智赢国际英语,担任北美考试项目学术经理,Kelly老师把她和她的团队建立并在多年教学中被证明有效的TOEFL、SSAT、SAT、AP以及GRE、GMAT方面的成熟学术体系带入智赢,和智赢学术团队一起帮助众多学生取得了梦寐以求的优异考试成绩。Kelly老师热情、乐观、勇于挑战的情绪感染着每一个与她共事的伙伴们,极强的个人魅力和学术风范也让Kelly在学生中获得了完美的认可。 -