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互联网新兴技术 Internet New Technology
关键字:互联网新兴技术 Internet New Technology|互联网新兴技术 Internet New Technology课程|互联网新兴技术 Internet New Technology课时
学校价格:¥来电咨询 网上优惠价:¥团购享优惠 关注度:564人 总课时:预约咨询 开班日期:滚动开班 上课时段:平日班|晚班|周末班 授课学校:北京爱预科教育 上课地点:北京市海淀区清华东路 课程介绍Every information service is connected through the Internet. If your work is any bit related to information, there is no excuse, you have to know what the Internet is and how it works! The relation of information and the Internet is equivalent to the blood and blood vessels of our body, which we have been using and will be using every day of our lives. This course will enlighten your understanding of what the Internet is and how it works. IP (Internet Protocol) IPv4 and IPv6 keep the Internet alive by enabling remote computers to communicate through various inter-connected networks through “inter-networking” technology, which is where the name “Internet” came from. TCP and UDP are used by the end devices (e.g., computers, smartphones, servers, clouds) that are communicating to connect applications/services across the Internet. The details of IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP, and Internet operations are covered in this course.