数字信号处理 Digital Signal Processing
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数字信号处理 Digital Signal Processing

关键字:数字信号处理 Digital Signal Processing|数字信号处理 Digital Signal Processing课程|数字信号处理 Digital Signal Processing

学校价格:¥来电咨询 网上优惠价:¥团购享优惠 关注度:799人
总课时:预约咨询 开班日期:滚动开班 上课时段:平日班|晚班|周末班  

The goal of the course is to develop a complete working set of digital signal processing notions from the ground up. DSP is arguably at the heart of the “digital revolution” that, in the space of just a few decades, has enabled unprecedented levels of interpersonal communication and of information availability. In the class, starting from the basic definitions of a discrete-time signal, we will work our way through Fourier analysis, filter design, sampling, interpolation and quantization to build a DSP toolset complete enough to analyze a practical communication system in detail. Hands-on examples and demonstration will be routinely used to close the gap between theory and practice.

1 Introduction

1.1 Signal of the Day - Goethe's Temperature Measurement

1.2.1 Welcome to the DSP course

1.2.2 Introduction to signal

1.3.1 Discrete time

1.3.2 The complex exponential

1.3.3 The Karplus-Strong Algorithm

1.4.1 From Euclid to Hilbert

1.4.2 Hilbert Space, properties and bases

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