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数学生物统计学入门 Biostatistics
关键字:数学生物统计学入门 Biostatistics|数学生物统计学入门 Biostatistics课程|数学生物统计学入门 Biostatistics课时|数学生物统计学入门 Biostatistics
学校价格:¥来电咨询 网上优惠价:¥团购享优惠 关注度:583人 总课时:预约咨询 开班日期:滚动开班 上课时段:平日班|晚班|周末班 授课学校:北京爱预科教育 上课地点:北京市海淀区清华东路 课程介绍This class presents the fundamental probability and statistical concepts used in elementary data analysis. It will be taught at an introductory level for students with junior or senior college-level mathematical training including a working knowledge of calculus. A small amount of linear algebra and programming are useful for the class, but not required.
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