亚洲国际市场营销 International Marketing
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亚洲国际市场营销 International Marketing

关键字:亚洲国际市场营销 International Marketing|亚洲国际市场营销 International Marketing课程|亚洲国际市场营销 International Marketing

学校价格:¥来电咨询 网上优惠价:¥团购享优惠 关注度:680人
总课时:预约咨询 开班日期:滚动开班 上课时段:平日班|晚班|周末班  

This course brings together two key subjects, International Marketing and Asia. It will provide the basic foundations of international marketing and explain them in the Asian context, more specifically marketing to Asia, marketing from Asia, and marketing with Asia (Asia as a brand). People who successfully complete this course will obtain the following outcomes: (1) a better understanding of marketing concepts in the specific context of companies and consumers in an important region. (2) for practitioners, acquire hands-on tools to apply these concepts to their products and target country markets. (3) learn that international marketing is about striking the right balance between maximizing the similarities across cultures (Etic approach) and customizing marketing (Emic approach) to important local differences, and (4) learn from interviews with experts, many of whom have decades of field and academic experience in marketing in Asia. This course will be unique in its focus on Asia-centered marketing and its integration of theory and practice.

1 Introduction
2 Overview

1.1 What is Marketing

1.2 What is Marketing Execution

1.3 What is a Brand

1.4 Marketing to Asia

1.5 Marketing to Asia Case Study

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