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公共关系学研究 PR Research
关键字:公共关系学研究 PR Research|公共关系学研究 PR Research培训|公共关系学研究 PR Research课时|公共关系学研究 PR Research费用
学校价格:¥来电咨询 网上优惠价:¥团购享优惠 关注度:514人 总课时:预约咨询 开班日期:滚动开班 上课时段:平日班|晚班|周末班 授课学校:北京爱预科教育 上课地点:北京市海淀区清华东路 课程介绍Perhaps you are familiar with research. You might have learned about research or maybe you conduct research in your life. How is that different from research in Public Relations practice? In this course, you will learn the foundations of research in PR. PR research is applied research. Practical application of research allows you to improve the organization’s performance. Research can be used in many ways in Public Relations practice. For example, you can use research to analyze and assess a need for the organization, ensure your objectives are realistic and connected to your outcome, identify and describe the relevant publics, brainstorm and test messages and channels, monitor the progress of your PR efforts, show impact and effectiveness of your program. This course will provide you the basic knowledge to plan, design, and conduct research to solve a PR problem. This course is designed for students wanting to pursue careers in public relations as well as a refresher for entry level PR practitioners wanting to brush up on their knowledge of the field. Come join me in this tour of research in PR where you will learn to use research as the backbone of your strategic decisions based on evidence.
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