【北京八一学校国际部官网】◆24小时咨询热线:400-888-4846 QQ:2080173957◆八一学校国际部让学生学会做人、学会学习、学会生活,是学校一直努力的方向。"对一切学生负责,让他们全面发展、学有所长"是学校一贯的办学宗旨。在线预约可享受免费试听课程,更多优惠请电话咨询在线值班老师!!!
ESL/English 10
This is the foundational academic English reading and writing course. Instruction begins with the word -- vocabulary -- and sentence --grammar -- and moves into academic organization of paragraph and essay. Students practice academic response paragraphs, as well as rhetorical thesis-driven essays in specific and extended examples, compare/contrast, and process modes. Reading begins at each student’s level and also includes critical reading of poetry, analysis of literary film, and, near the end of term, short stories. Academic conversation, pronunciation, and listening are fostered. 础英语课程
American Literature
American Literature will acquaint students with the major texts of the American literary tradition, ranging from Native American origin tales to Romantic short stories to postmodern poetry. Students will learn how to understand these texts as a dialogue, centering around major American literary contributions. This course will equip students with specific tools for intensive reading of primary sources. It will also prepare students for writing responses based on the 'claims, evidence, analysis' structure used in most university classrooms.
AP微积分 AB
AP Calculus AB
This course follows the curriculum established by the College Board Advanced Placement Committee in mathematics and is designed to parallel a first semester university-level calculus course. Throughout the year students explore functions, limits, derivatives, and integrals using traditional algebraic methods, while the understanding of these topics is enhanced by numerical and graphical explorations with a graphic display calculator. The emphasis is on the concepts, techniques, and applications of differential calculus and basic integral calculus. Throughout the year, students engage in AP exam-type problem solving and practice tests in preparation for the AP Examinations in May.
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