【北京八一学校国际部官网】◆24小时咨询热线:400-888-4846 QQ:2080173957◆八一学校国际部让学生学会做人、学会学习、学会生活,是学校一直努力的方向。"对一切学生负责,让他们全面发展、学有所长"是学校一贯的办学宗旨。在线预约可享受免费试听课程,更多优惠请电话咨询在线值班老师!!!
ESL/English 10: Mechanics and Composition
The goal of this course is to equip English language learners with the skills they will need to be successful readers and writers in higher level courses in high school and college. Students enrolled in this course will participate in intensive daily reading and writing exercises. These exercises will focus specifically on vocabulary (meaning and pronunciation), grammar (sentence structure and syntax), and reading comprehension. Students can expect to leave the course with skills specific to reading and writing well across the curriculum of their 11th grade classes.
ESL/English 11
This course will introduce students to the various types of written material they may encounter at the university level. This course will also instruct students in the conventions of academic writing. Students will learn to identify different rhetorical situations, and to adopt appropriate voice, tone, and level of formality. Analytic writing tasks will require the formulation of arguable claims accompanied by clear supporting evidence.
AP微积分 AB
AP Calculus AB
This course follows the curriculum established by the College Board Advanced Placement Committee in mathematics and is designed to parallel a first semester university-level calculus course. Throughout the year students explore functions, limits, derivatives, and integrals using traditional algebraic methods, while the understanding of these topics is enhanced by numerical and graphical explorations with a graphic display calculator. The emphasis is on the concepts, techniques, and applications of differential calculus and basic integral calculus. Throughout the year, students engage in AP exam-type problem solving and practice tests in preparation for the AP Examinations in May.
也有少数学校不用提交推荐信,或者改为填写两到三个证明人信息,大学保留权力随时联系证明人核实信息。另外还有学校提供一个特定的邮箱地址,推荐人直接写好推荐信,用自己的邮箱发到指定的大学邮箱就可以。总之,推荐信的提交要根据不同学校的规定进行。 |